Sunday, November 15, 2015

youTube Homeschool

Do you struggle to get some subjects in with your kids?  Or our your teaching methods just not meshing with the child's learning styles?  Why not let youTube teach for you?!

Here are some youTube resources that we have been using to enhance our homeschool.  Ha, not just enhance, it's actually doing the teaching for me!!


I found these great lessons to teach cursive writing.  The kids pull out their handwriting pages and practice along with the screen.  It goes slowly so that the children see the motions for forming cursive letters.  It has become a great resource for us, since I always have a baby or toddler in my lap grabbing at the pages, I can let technology teach my kids.

Social Studies

We love to listen to Smart Songs.  They have so much information packed into their songs.  We first began listening to them when we were learning the presidents, but they also have songs about the Great Depression, the continents, the states, money management, government, and more.

CC Resources

CC Happy Mom geography songs.  Here is one below, but I recommend all of her geography songs and motions!

Preposition Songs


About Me

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A mom who is beginning the process of homeschooling her children. My background is in teaching ESL, as well as Bible teaching.